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Our vision is to become an easy gateway into the world of volunteering, ultimately uniting our communities through the
power of volunteerism.
Initially born to connect volunteers to community opportunities based on their needs and interests, we've grown to become something far greater.
Today we not only have connection services that allow volunteers to find wonderful opportunities, but we also host our own events, youth programs, workshops, and more!
get started right here...
For Nonprofits
Better together.
Partnering with us allows us both to win. You get to tap into a wonderful base of volunteers, events, and support while we gain more credibility and trust in the community.
Being a partner means you're a priority organization in our database. You will be featured and shown first when volunteers are looking for organizations like your own. All this and more, for free when you partner with us.
For the Community
Events that unite communities.
We identify what the community may need and hosts volunteer events to help fulfill those needs. Whether it be gathering food to disperse to houseless shelters or helping plant seeds in a community park, we're dedicated to impacting our communities through the power of volunteerism.
The best part: anyone and everyone is welcome to help.
Connect Articles
Stay up to date with all things Connect Volunteering! From the latest events to big milestones, we can't wait to share our journey with you!
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