For the month of June, we dedicated our event to gathering and distributing new and lightly used shoes to children's organizations and orphanages. We're donating half of our gathered shoes to organizations here in Seattle, while the other half will be distributed to organizations in Kolkata, India. We want to reach and help as many different kids and teenagers as possible. This is the first event that is meant to help people overseas!
To put the following achievements into context, I want to let you all know that we only expected around 25 pairs of shoes (50 total shoes). We truly did not expect to get more than thrice that number, especially in such a short amount of time. Within 5 days our wonderful volunteers donated 85 pairs of shoes to us (170 total shoes) and truly went above and beyond to help our cause. Thank you all so much for an amazing event as usual. We really do count ourselves lucky to have volunteers like you.
A special thanks to our event partners, SNKR Truck who helped us in our donations and were integral to this successful event.
Check them out here: The Snkr Truck
Thanks for the read,
Rajdeep Das, Founder and CEO of Connect Volunteering